Nombor coding
JKR Jabatan Kerja Raya
CKC Cawangan Kejuruteraan Cerun
Garis Panduan
Regular maintenance is essential for all man‐made slopes and retaining structures, disturbed terrain features and natural terrain hazard mitigation measures to avoid deterioration or to upkeep their functions.

The purpose of this guide (Cerun 1) is to recommend a standard of good practice for the maintenance of man‐made slopes and retaining structures, disturbed terrain features and hazard mitigation measures provided to natural terrain (e.g. boulder fences and check dams). The document is aimed at professional geotechnical/civil engineers, although it will also be useful to the general public, many of whom carry responsibility for slope maintenance as owners of property. The general public may refer to an abridged version of the guide: Layman’s Guidelines to Slope Maintenance (Cerun 2), produced by Cawangan Kejuruteraan Cerun JKR for simplified guidance on matters related to slope maintenance.

This guide deals basically with the maintenance inspections and maintenance works necessary to keep in good condition well‐designed and properly constructed slopes and retaining structures and man‐made mitigation measures provided to natural terrain. The maintenance inspections and works recommended herein can also reduce the probability of instability of slopes and retaining structures and disturbed terrain features which are not up to the current geotechnical standards for design and construction.